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Volunteer tour guide

Volunteer tour guide

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Community & familySocial justicePeople with disabilities
10 Reduced inequalities

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De Reiskoffer
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Together with a young person from special education, you travel between home and school by bicycle and/or public transport, so that they learn to travel independently.

Detailed description

De Reiskoffer helps children who use a taxi (pupil transport) to learn to travel independently by public transport or by bike to and from school. This is done with the help of a volunteer supervisor and/or the GoOV app. The children become more independent, more self-reliant and gain more self-confidence. They will benefit from this for the rest of their lives!

What are you going to do?

As a volunteer supervisor, you guide children (mostly from special education) in learning to travel independently to and from school. Before you start guiding a child, you have an introductory meeting with the parent(s) and the child. Is there a click? Then you plan together when you will start. You practice once or twice a week, until the child has mastered the journey independently. This takes an average of 6-8 weeks. You have close contact with the project coordinator to monitor how things are going.

What do we ask of you?

You are someone who enjoys working with children. Parents/guardians give you their most precious possession. You are friendly, patient, offer trust, have a sense of responsibility and parents and child can count on you. Through your enthusiasm you ensure a positive experience for the students but also for the parents/guardians. You get a lot of appreciation and gratitude in return!

In addition, you agree with the following points:

· you are willing to follow a (digital) supervisor course (one and a half hours);

· you can work independently;

· you speak Dutch well;

· you have a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) or are willing to apply for one;

· you live in the region.


What do we offer you?

· appreciation of parents and children;

· a guidance training (1.5 hours) so that you are well prepared for your task;

· volunteer work that helps you develop your talents that can contribute to better opportunities on the job market;

· a contribution to your social network;

· reimbursement of telephone costs, travel expenses and VOG application;

· a reward in the form of a gift voucher for each supervised student.

This vacancy is also suitable for students who want to gain some extra experience during their free time.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support
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About De Reiskoffer

The Travel Suitcase helps young people from special education to learn to travel independently.
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