Employer-supported volunteering
Employer-supported volunteering
What is it?
What is it?
Employer-supported volunteering, often called ESV, is where organisations provide paid time for their employees to volunteer within their usual working hours.
Organisations may organise group activities for their staff or encourage staff to take on more regular arrangements, spreading their volunteering hours over perhaps half an hour a week.

Roles suitable for corporate volunteers
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A morning full of board games, tall tales, even more jokes and of course delicious soup!Posted by Oma's Soep - MaastrichtCareer Coaches Wanted!
JINC is looking for volunteers who want to have conversations with four students to help them make a well-considered study choice!Posted by JINCWhy corporate volunteering?
Embrace the power of volunteering, where your employees connect deeply with their local communities and make a meaningful societal impact. It's a chance to channel their passion towards issues that truly matter, fostering connections that transcend the workplace. But that's not all – as they give back, they also gain.
Through volunteering, your team hones vital soft skills like coaching, leadership, and organizational prowess. These capabilities don't just enhance their professional profiles, they enrich their personal growth too. Expect a boost in communication finesse, elevated confidence levels, seamless teamwork, unleashed creativity, unwavering resilience, and an all-encompassing sense of fulfillment.
And it's not just your team that flourishes; it's your community too. Volunteering radiates positive effects that ripple far beyond the surface. It's a two-way street of shared benefits.
Note that certain charities and voluntary organisations might require a fee to facilitate activities for your organisation. This charge is intended to defray the time and expenses invested in tailoring these opportunities exclusively for you.
Roles suitable for groups and teams
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IRONMAN Westfriesland zoekt VRIJWILLIGERS om dit wereldberoemde sportevenement goed te laten verlopen. Kom van 18 t/m 23 juni en beleef de energie van dichtbij!Posted by IRONMAN WestfrieslandBasiskennis Dementievriendelijke Begeleiding
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How we can help
How we can help
Our platform makes it easier for your employees to find roles and for you as an employer to track their impact via your organisation's main page.
The first step is to register. You will then be able to create a page for your organisation.
Once your page is created and approved, you can add teams and individuals. All members of your organisation can search and apply for roles as well as log volunteering hours.
All volunteering activity can be tracked via your organisation's dashboard, making it easier to monitor the impact the teams and the organisation as a whole are having on the local community.
You could also create a private volunteering event, visible to your team only.
If you would like to discuss this, get in touch!
Get in touch!
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