Volunteer Work in Motion Course | 2 half days: April 9 and 16

Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Vrijwilligers-CentrumWageningen/opportunities/Volunteer-Work-in-Motion-Course--2-half-days-April-9-and-16/89799 to join
Volunteering is changing. How can you respond to this? Join the course Volunteering in Motion: Opportunities and Challenges for the Future.Detailed description
Volunteering is changing. Where we used to find volunteers who remained loyal to an organization for years, we are now seeing a shift. People still want to contribute, but often in a different way: flexibly, temporarily, or with short-term assignments. This raises important questions:
- How do you, as an organization, respond to these new trends?
- Is the double aging of the population an opportunity or a challenge for volunteer work?
- How do you stand out in a growing demand for volunteers?
- And how do you ensure that supply and demand are better aligned?
Facts and challenges
Did you know that almost half of the Dutch population is active in volunteer work? Yet many organizations experience a shortage. Why is that? More choice, more demand, and more competition make it a challenge to attract and retain volunteers.
During this workshop we will take you through the latest trends in volunteering. Together we will discover:
- How your organization can be attractive to today's volunteers.
- How to deal with shorter, flexible deployments.
- What skills you need as a coordinator to embrace these changes.
- How to create sustainable connections between volunteer energy and your organization.
This volunteer course includes two interactive evenings of 2.5 hours. We expect you to attend both evenings.
The sessions are provided by Rianne Burgers , an experienced volunteer coordinator and active within the professional association AGORA and the "More and Different Volunteering" program at the NOV.
Who is this workshop for?
For everyone who works with volunteers and wants to be ready for the future: coordinators, board members, policy makers, and other stakeholders.
Are you curious whether your organization is future-proof? Do you want to learn how to get the most out of volunteers and offer them a great experience? Register now!
Together we prepare volunteer work for the future!