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Hostess/gentleman board table

Hostess/gentleman board table

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Minister Van Houtenlaan, 1981 EK Velsen-Zuid, Nederland
Sport & recreationCommunity & family
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities17 Partnerships for the goals

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Telstar 1963
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As a hostess and/or host, you will work in the main building of the 711 Stadium during the home games of the White Lionesses.

Detailed description

As a hostess and/or host you have an important role in welcoming guests to the boardroom.

Your activities include:

  • Reception of the board members, referees, team members of the visiting club and other guests
  • Informing guests about the facilities and showing them the way through the building
  • If necessary, guide guests to their seats in the stands
  • Providing coffee, tea and the like for guests
  • Present for approximately 4 hours on match day, for 11 matches per season
  • It is not always busy at the board table, so it is nice if you can lend a hand in different places.

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About Telstar 1963

We are the club of tough men, strong women. IJmuiden is our birthplace and that makes us unique. We think and act slightly differently. We like open and honest. And no one is more important here than our club. Everyone with a good heart is welcome here. Here you feel at home, here we are together. We are committed and fearless.
We are the White Lions.
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