VVV volunteers Naarden Vesting De Gele Loods Visitor Center
Organisation role · 4 hrs/Week
Ruijsdaelplein 6, 1411 RD Naarden, Nederland
EnglishDutchRetailHostingEvents & festival
Community & familySport & recreationArt & culture

Contact person
Ina VermaatAsk Ina a question
Bezoekerscentrum De Gele Loods/VVV Naarden
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Bezoekerscentrum-De-Gele-LoodsVVV-Naarden/opportunities/VVV-volunteers-Naarden-Vesting-De-Gele-Loods-Visitor-Center/41269 to join
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Bezoekerscentrum-De-Gele-LoodsVVV-Naarden/opportunities/VVV-volunteers-Naarden-Vesting-De-Gele-Loods-Visitor-Center/41269 to join
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the Naarden Vesting Visitor Center. Are you available half a day a week, sign up!Detailed description
Due to the move to the Gele Loods this summer, there is room for new enthusiastic volunteers at the Naarden Visitor Center!
You provide information and provide products and services to visitors from home and abroad for Naarden and the region. You help in the store and with the new exhibition at a top location!
We are looking for people who have (good) knowledge of Naarden and the region in the field of recreation, culture and leisure; who can work in both Dutch and English; who have some experience with digital systems and are available at least half a day a week!
Are you enthusiastic and a calling card for our beautiful city, let us know.
What volunteers need
🗣️ Native language skills
What we will provide to volunteers
🤝 Extra supportAbout Bezoekerscentrum De Gele Loods/VVV Naarden
At Visitor Center / VVV De Gele Loods in Naarden Vesting, we inform (international) visitors about all cultural, sports and other activities in Naarden and the surrounding area.