Workshop Hand-Forearm Massage

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Hand-Forearm massage is so nice for the elderly with dementia, in Hospice, drop-in centers and in many other places.Detailed description
Looking for meaning? In this workshop knowledge, practice and fun come together. What do you have to deal with when you massage? What is possible and what is not. Knowledge regarding a piece of anatomy and energetic meaning of hands and fingers. But also discovering what it means to you to massage and to be massaged. Exchange and above all nice practice.
Hand and forearm massage is probably the most accessible form of massage:
You don't have to take off your clothes
You can just give it on a chair
People are quick to lend a hand
This massage has a great effect on the circulation and creates space in the arms and hands. It also has a very great effect on the feeling. Our hands and arms are connected to the heart and the emotional world. The experience is enormous!
What can I do with this massage?
After following this free workshop (only on April 28) you will become part of the massage team of the Massage voor de Zorg foundation. The foundation is looking for people who want to give this massage in IJmuiden to elderly people with dementia in care institutions. After following the workshop a volunteer agreement follows. You will become part of a team of more than 100 people and it continues to grow. For participants of the workshop it is also a great opportunity to put what they have learned into practice.
Of course there are many more places where this massage is very welcome. Perhaps you are already active in a drop-in center or a hospice or you work with people with a mental disability.
It is always special to see how this form of massage can connect hearts.
What you get in return is gratitude and visible enjoyment. That gives a lot of satisfaction and meaning, doesn't it?
The cost of the workshop is €55.00. Including reference material, a bottle of massage oil and a certificate of participation.
In this workshop we practice on each other, so that we can also support each other with feedback.
The workshop lasts approximately 3 hours and takes place in the massage practice of Both Hands.