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Course ENJOY, as you would like!

Course ENJOY, as you would like!

Workshop · 22 Oct, 19:15 - 21:15
Fortlaan 47, 7325 ZE Apeldoorn, Nederland
Applications closing in 10 days.
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Stimenz Noordoost
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For volunteers and residents in Apeldoorn, we offer this educational course ENJOY! in 8 meetings. Register quickly because full is full!

Detailed description

Do you want to invest in yourself? (Re)discover who you are and what you want?

Then this course is for you!

Each phase of life has its own development and areas of focus.

During each meeting, one or two aspects of the ENJOY circle are central. In this way, you as a participant discover what you find important and which choices and decisions you make to optimize your well-being in and with your living environment.

On 8 Tuesday evenings, teacher at Stimenz, Margot Schuurmans, will take you on this enriching journey of discovery.

The course will start if there are enough participants (min. 8, max. 14).

The meetings take place on 8 Tuesday evenings :

October 22, 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 10.

Time : 7:15-9:15 PM

Location : meeting place Talma Borgh (next to Osseveld-Woudhuis station), Fortlaan 47, Apeldoorn

Costs : Voluntary contribution

Information and registration (before October 15):

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

Applications closing in 10 days.
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About Stimenz Noordoost

Stimenz is een organisatie voor sociaal werk voor Apeldoorn en de Veluwe. In Apeldoorn omvat onze opdracht breed sociaal werk en op de Veluwe bieden wij maatschappelijk werk en sociaal juridische dienstverlening. Burgers in ons werkgebied kunnen vertrouwen op de inzet en betrokkenheid van de 180 medewerkers en ongeveer 900 vrijwilligers van Stimenz. Samen maken we werk van het vergroten van welbevinden, burger- en buurtkracht. Dit doen we onder andere door sociale verbindingen tot stand te brengen in wijken, buurten en dorpen, individuele vraagstukken op te pakken via maatschappelijk werk en waar mogelijk collectieve oplossingen in te zetten en signalen te vertalen in nieuwe initiatieven. Wij doen dit samen met vrijwilligers en actieve burgers vanuit wederkerigheid en betrokkenheid.
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