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Training to become a senior sports coach

Training to become a senior sports coach

Workshop · 4 Mar 2025, 19:00 - 21:30
Ravelijn 380, 7325 NV Apeldoorn, Nederland
Sport & recreation

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Sportservice Apeldoorn
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- No prior education required
- Free
- 6 evenings spread over 3 months
- 1 internship hour per week
- GoldenSports, chair gymnastics, sports fitness, senior gymnastics

Detailed description

Do you have a passion for sports and do you like working with the elderly? Would you like to become an independent supervisor of a sports group and motivate people to exercise with pleasure? Then this training might be something for you.

You will learn about the target group seniors, lesson planning, group guidance and more. The training consists of 6 evenings, spread over 4 months. In addition to these meetings, you will do an internship of at least 1 hour per week at a sports club or meeting place of your choice. Here you will learn more about the content of the lessons and you can immediately get started in practice. Examples of internships are: GoldenSports (outdoor exercise for 55+), chair gymnastics, exercise to music or sportfit 55+ at a club. We will help you find an internship!

Would you like more information or follow the training 'senior sports supervisor'? Contact Michèle Seton ( or 06-83502880).

Registration is open until February 19.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

Unfortunately, you can no longer register for this workshop. Check out open workshops here.5 spots left.
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About Sportservice Apeldoorn

Sportservice fulfills a social role in the municipality of Apeldoorn by stimulating, informing, organizing and drawing attention to sport and exercise in the broad sense of the word. Everything here is aimed at an active lifestyle.
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