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Can you read aloud well?

Can you read aloud well?

Organisation role · Flexible hours
West, Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland
Reading & WritingSupport work

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We are looking for a volunteer to read to a very visually impaired woman (70 years old).

Detailed description

The lady is highly educated and would like someone to come and read from her own (study) books.

She can be read to by reading equipment, but that sounds like a robot. Human sound and presence is much more pleasant and enjoyable.

If you are a good reader and would like to read to the lady, please contact us.

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About Samen055

Sometimes you have questions or concerns and you don't know where to start. Whether it's about money, work, meeting, raising children or other challenges in daily life: via Samen055 help is within reach. Together we look at which help suits your situation best.
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