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Apeldoorn Pakt Aan

About Apeldoorn Pakt Aan

Apeldoorn Pakt Aan is the place for volunteer work in Apeldoorn. We stimulate and connect volunteer work in Apeldoorn with, among other things, our digital vacancy bank, offering and sharing training courses and meetings and providing information and advice to organizations and (potential) volunteers.
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Stop rescuing - start helping!
Community event · 10 Mar, 19:00 - 21:30
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Stop rescuing - start helping!
If a conversation is not going well, there is a good chance that you have ended up in the rescuer triangle (Transactional Analysis).Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan
Stop! So far
Community event · 14 Apr, 19:00 - 21:30
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Stop! So far
How do you protect yourself and keep listening fun?Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan
Nonviolent Communication
Community event · 12 May, 19:00 - 21:30
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Nonviolent Communication
In four steps to a conversation with clarity and empathy.Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan
NOV Knowledge Boost Week
Workshop · 24 Mar, 09:00 - 10:00
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NOV Knowledge Boost Week
During this Knowledge Boost Week you can follow various interesting Webinars online. Look in the text below for more dates and info.Posted by Apeldoorn Pakt Aan


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