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Coordinator of humanitarian law of war, North Holland region

Coordinator of humanitarian law of war, North Holland region

Organisation role · 0–4 hrs/Week
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Rode Kruis WestfrieslandAsk Rode Kruis a question
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Rode Kruis Kennemerland
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Even in war, not everything is allowed. There are rules to prevent and limit human suffering. This is the core of the international humanitarian law

Detailed description

Even during war, not everything is allowed. There are rules to prevent and limit human suffering. This is the core of humanitarian law of war (IHL). Are you interested in this topic? And would you like to coordinate an IHL team and provide information? Then we are looking for you!

Traditionally, the Red Cross has been the guardian and promoter of the International Humanitarian Law of War. One of its tasks is to ensure that as many people as possible acquire knowledge of this law. Because knowledge of the rules can prevent violations in the future. This applies in times of war, but also in times of peace. As a coordinator, you ensure that the briefings are well-planned and run smoothly.

What are you going to do?

- You are the first point of contact for the volunteer HOR advisors in the North Holland region and the link between the volunteers and the professional team. You organize a team meeting every quarter;

- You offer volunteers HOR support in terms of content and logistics in (the preparation of) the information activities. Keeping up with developments in the field of HOR is part of this;

- Networking: you establish and maintain contacts with external parties

- You keep the administration and report this

- If necessary or if you like, you also provide information about HOR.

What are you bringing?

- You have strong communication skills and you have a good command of the Dutch language, both spoken and written.

- You are independent but can function well in a group and motivate the group;

- Your talents are planning, organizing and coordinating and you are solution-oriented;

- You are available for this role approximately 4 hours per week and you live in the North Holland region (Haarlem and surrounding areas, Alkmaar and surrounding areas or Purmerend and surrounding areas)

Familiarity with HOR is a plus, not a requirement and we can definitely bring you up to speed!

What do we offer you?

As a volunteer, you contribute to the work of the Red Cross. That feels good! You get the chance to develop your talents because the Red Cross offers courses and/or training for the purpose of performing your function. The Red Cross reimburses travel and expenses incurred and ensures that you are insured during the performance of your work. At the Red Cross, we work according to the basic principles and our code of conduct.

Are you interested? How nice! We would love to get in touch with you.

Please respond via the application button.

More information can be found on our website.

Acquisition is not appreciated.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support
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About Rode Kruis Kennemerland

Many Red Cross volunteers are ready to help you in times of need in Kennemerland. We do this in an organized context with the Red Cross departments of Haarlemmermeer, IJmond and Zuid-Kennemerland.
Whether it concerns first aid at your event, the provision of first aid, or emergency aid in the event of a major fire: we are ready.
We help people better prepare for emergencies. Help us help and sign up as a volunteer!
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