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TransAmsterdam is looking for creative and enthusiastic volunteers

TransAmsterdam is looking for creative and enthusiastic volunteers

Organisation role · 4–16 hrs/Week
Balistraat 48a, 1094 JN Amsterdam, Nederland
Reading & WritingTrainingSupervisingEvents & festivalCoordinationBusiness DevelopmentFinancialMarketing & CommunicationsSocial mediaDesignFundraisingAdministrationAdvice & MentoringSupport workAccompanyingSocial contactITPhotography & filmCreativeMusicDutchEnglishArabicPortugueseOtherFrenchTurkishSpanishPersianGreekItalianSign Languages
Social justiceArt & cultureRefugees & minorities

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We are looking for creative team members

Detailed description

We are looking for creative "trans" people, "trans" people of colour, "trans" newcomers who like to help us with social media, communication, writing, art & culture events, film/video, photography, design, projects or other skills. You are LGBTQ Trans friendly. You have social skills. You are creative, a team player and reachable by e-mail or whatsapp

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About TransAmsterdam

TransAmsterdam is a trans organization for art, culture and lifestyle. We organize various activities in Amsterdam for and by trans people and non-binary people. We focus on art, culture and lifestyle. We do this in the form of 3 pillars.

- 1. Meeting: via our Trans & Friends café, InClusion and other events
- 2. Talent development: Offering various workshops at our Trans Art School
- 3. Platform/Stage: Offering an art and culture platform/stage for and by trans, non-binary artists and performers

- For TransAmsterdam, art forms the connection. Connection with our own identity, with each other and also with society. Art gives our transgender supporters the opportunity to express themselves and show who they are. Art is also important for the mental health of our supporters. In addition, through art we can meet and empower each other. Ensuring a more inclusive and trans-friendly society.

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