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The Dutch Probation Service is looking for volunteers

The Dutch Probation Service is looking for volunteers

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Advice & MentoringBefriendingSocial contactSupport workAccompanying
WellbeingSocial justiceCommunity & family
10 Reduced inequalities

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Reclassering Nederland
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Volunteer work for the resocialization of sex offenders and a safer society

Detailed description

COSA is a meaningful volunteer task. You support a sex offender in his resocialization in society. In this way you contribute to a safer society!

As a volunteer at COSA, you form, together with other volunteers, a social network around a sex offender with the aim of breaking through isolation and working towards social embedding. Volunteers support the person in finding their way in society. This can be done by offering a listening ear, offering practical help, undertaking activities. Drinking a cup of coffee somewhere, taking a walk and also providing support in developing their own network/hobbies and other activities. In addition, the volunteers are an extra pair of eyes and ears to help the sex offender stay on the right path. A COSA trajectory lasts an average of 1.5-2 years and requires a time investment of 2 hours per week.

Social isolation

When a sex offender returns to society after serving a sentence, unrest often arises. Social isolation, social exclusion and emotional loneliness are lurking. COSA is committed, together with volunteers and professionals, to breaking this isolation. They support the sex offender in his reintegration into society. This has proven effective in reducing the chance of recidivism.

Become a COSA volunteer

COSA is a beautiful, meaningful volunteer task. Volunteers can count on a thorough two-day training in advance. The support and guidance by the circle coordinator during the COSA process is also well arranged. A specific prior education or background is not necessary.

For more information and registration, please visit the website:

Organization: Probation Service Netherlands, COSA

Location address: 3524 SJ Utrecht

Contact person: Hester

Function: Circle Coordinator COSA & Probation Officer

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About Reclassering Nederland

Werken met daders om nieuwe slachtoffers te voorkomen. Een unieke taak, die Reclassering Nederland al bijna 200 jaar uitvoert. Samen met onze partners in de strafrechtketen, gemeenten en maatschappelijke instanties zetten we ons in om reclassenten op het rechte pad te krijgen en te houden, om slachtoffers te voorkomen. Daarnaast zet Reclassering Nederland vrijwilligers in om zedendaders te ondersteunen bij hun resocialisatie in de maatschappij. Vrijwilligers vormen een belangrijke en waardevolle aanvulling op de betrokken professionals.
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