Flower nursery employee

Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Bloemrijk-kwekerij-pluktuin-en-zorgverlener/opportunities/Medewerker-bloemenkwekerij/77315 to join
We are looking for people for various tasks in our garden. If you like working outside there is always a job you can do.Detailed description
This includes sowing, planting, hoeing, weeding, digging, picking flowers and arranging them for bouquets, maintenance such as maintaining paths and mowing the lawn. In short: work in the garden is varied with both physically lighter and heavier jobs. We have a friendly volunteer team that you can join.
Job description:
We are looking for people for various activities, if you like working outside there is always a job you can do. This includes sowing, planting, hoeing, weeding, digging, picking flowers and arranging them for bouquets, maintenance such as maintaining paths and mowing the lawn.
Job requirements:
What do you have to offer the volunteer?:
The work in the garden is varied with both physically lighter and heavier jobs.
What makes the work worth it?:
We have a friendly volunteer team that you can join.
Working time:
Two half-days on Monday and/or Wednesday and/or Thursday.