Opportunities anywhere
38 resultsPeace, justice and strong institutionsProject role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · For around 4 weeks
Flexible location
Vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland!
Doe internationaal vrijwilligerswerk met IBO. Bevorder de leefomstandigheden van mensen wereldwijd, ontmoet nieuwe mensen en leer nieuwe vaardigheden!Posted by IBO-NederlandProject role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Vrijwilligersproject van twee weken: klussen, ecologisch of sociaal
IBO organiseert internationaal vrijwilligerswerk in binnen- en buitenland. Zet je als vrijwilliger in op korte sociale, ecologische of bouwprojecten!Posted by IBO-NederlandProject role (Temporary) · 2–4 hrs/Week · For around 3 months
Weekly Activity Session with Children Survivors of Human-trafficking
Contribute your skills by volunteering to conduct activity sessions for girls survivors of human-trafficking at the government protection shelter.Posted by SUKA SocietyProject role (Temporary) · 1–2 hrs/Week · Starting from 6 Jan 2025 For around 5 months
Reading and bringing language enjoyment to a family with children (2-8 years) in a poor language environment.Posted by VoorleesExpress WageningenProject role (Temporary) · 2–4 hrs/month
Assistant sewing lessons at AZC de Keijenberg
Assisting a professional seamstress during sewing lessons with a maximum of 4 mainly female students from the asylum seekers' centrePosted by Vrijwilligers Centrum WageningenProject role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · For around 3 months
Flexible location
Als Luisterend Schrijver help jij een ouder getroffen door de kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire aan zijn/haar emotionele en financiële herstel!Posted by Stichting (Gelijk)waardig HerstelOrganisation role · 3–4 hrs/Week
Work buddy immigrant lunch Tuesday Our House (f)
Preparing lunch for people in Ons Huis together with a refugee who has difficulty learning the language.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk WageningenOrganisation role · 4–16 hrs/Week
Maatschappelijk Begeleider
Vind je het leuk om vluchtelingen op te vangen en wegwijs te maken in de gemeente HBEL (Huizen, Blaricum, Eemnes en Laren)?Posted by VluchtelingenWerk HBELOrganisation role · 1 hrs/Week
Buddy for a refugee
Do you like to do something fun with a refugee on a regular basis and support them in finding their way in Wageningen? Register now!Posted by Vluchteling Onder DakOrganisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 24 Oct 2024
Stolpersteine (Struikelstenen) voor oorlogsslachtoffers in Enschede
Uitzoeken in - meest digitale - archieven, contact met aanvragers, organisatie samen met dienst Gemeente EnschedePosted by Stichting Levend Verleden Oost NederlandOrganisation role · 8–16 hrs/Week
Counter employee AZC Bosrandweg Wageningen
As a desk employee you staff the reception of the Council for Refugees at the AZC.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk Oost NederlandOrganisation role · 2 hrs/Week · Starting from 8 Jan 2025
Wednesday afternoon- Volunteer #Participationdesk AZC de Keijenbergseweg
Do you enjoy making sure that residents of the AZC feel at home and participate in Wageningen? Become a #meedoenbalie volunteer!Posted by #MeedoenOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Volunteer Management Coordinator (voluntary)
A challenging volunteer position in which you are responsible for recruiting, selecting and supervising volunteers within the location.Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Guest lecturer/Game leader for secondary education and vocational education (vol
Do you enjoy teaching, do you have some time available during the week and do you like to contribute to a social organization? Then we are looking for you!Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Guest teacher for primary education (voluntary)
Do you enjoy giving guest lessons in primary education? Do you have some time available during the week? Then we are looking for you!Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Participating cyclists / Participating walkers #Meedoenbalie
Do you like to make sure that residents of the AZC can participate in Wageningen? Then become a cyclist buddy!Posted by #MeedoenOrganisation role · Flexible hours
From home