Opportunities anywhere
44 resultsPeace, justice and strong institutionsOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Volunteer Management Coordinator (voluntary)
A challenging volunteer position in which you are responsible for recruiting, selecting and supervising volunteers within the location.Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Language teacher AZC De Bosrand
Simple education in the Dutch language for refugees at the De Bosrand asylum seekers' centrePosted by St. Welkom in WageningenOrganisation role · 6–8 hrs/Week · Starting from 21 Jun 2021
Drivers wanted
Have you always wanted to do volunteer work, do you enjoy driving a car and do you easily make contact with young people from different backgrounds? Respond now.Posted by TurnoverTask · 0–2 hrs · by 4 May
On May 4th after the commemoration on the square at the town hall a procession will walk to Westerveld. We are looking for 2 drummers who can play a muffled drumPosted by Comite 4 en 5 mei VelsenOrganisation role · 14–18 hrs/month
Secretaris Bestuur
Wij zijn op zoek naar een administratief en organisatorisch talent; een ‘steunpilaar’ voor het Bestuur van Present Enschede. Posted by Stichting Present EnschedeProject role (Temporary) · 2–4 hrs/Week · For around 3 months
Weekly Activity Session with Children Survivors of Human-trafficking
Contribute your skills by volunteering to conduct activity sessions for girls survivors of human-trafficking at the government protection shelter.Posted by SUKA SocietyOrganisation role · 1–4 hrs/Week
Training Coordinator (Volunteer)
As Training Coordinator at the Red Cross (Renkum Wageningen location), you ensure that our first aid courses run smoothly.Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandEvent · 3 May, 09:00 – 8 May, 14:00
Building, guarding and dismantling the camp 4-5 May committee
Help with setting up and breaking down the camp on May 3 and 8 in SantpoortPosted by Comite 4 en 5 mei VelsenTask · 2–4 hrs · by 8 May
Various manual and other services to support the activities around May 4-5
Anyone who wants to do something to support the activities of the 4-5 May committee is welcome to respond. Below is an overviewPosted by Comite 4 en 5 mei VelsenOrganisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 6 May
Co-worker immigrant cooking Markt 17 (f)
Together with a refugee who has difficulty learning the language, help cook with a group of volunteers at the Inloopcentrum Markt 17.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk WageningenOrganisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Patient work buddy refugee Emmaus
Together with a refugee who has difficulty learning the language, sorting and pricing sports and games equipment at Emmaus.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk WageningenOrganisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Population care worker (volunteer)
Do you want to do volunteer work that really matters at the moment it really matters? Then sign up as a Population Care Care Worker!Posted by Rode Kruis GelderlandOrganisation role · 8–16 hrs/Week
Counter clerk AZC Bosrandweg Wageningen
As a counter clerk, you will staff the reception of VluchtelingenWerk at the AZC.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk Oost NederlandProject role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · For around 3 months
Flexible location
Als Luisterend Schrijver help jij een ouder getroffen door de kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire aan zijn/haar emotionele en financiële herstel!Posted by Stichting (Gelijk)waardig HerstelOrganisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Seller of books and LPs on Wednesdays and Saturdays
On Wednesdays and/or Saturdays, books are sold in the basement of Vijzelstraat 1. The book basement contains approximately 10,000 titles and several hundred LPs.Posted by Emmaus RegenboogProject role (Temporary) · 3–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 13 Jan 2025 For around 3 months
Work buddy immigrant lunch Tuesday Our House (f)
Together with a refugee who has difficulty learning the language, prepare a healthy lunch for about 15 people in the neighborhood center Ons Huis.Posted by VluchtelingenWerk WageningenOrganisation role · Flexible hours