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Task · 0–2 hrs · by 4 May
1973 WX, IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, Nederland
10 Reduced inequalities16 Peace, justice and strong institutions17 Partnerships for the goals

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Marja van BruggenAsk Marja a question
Applications closing in a month.
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Comite 4 en 5 mei Velsen
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On May 4th after the commemoration on the square at the town hall a procession will walk to Westerveld. We are looking for 2 drummers who can play a muffled drum

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Applications closing in a month.
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About Comite 4 en 5 mei Velsen

We organize the annual commemoration on May 4 and the celebration of the liberation on May 5. This year we celebrate in style that we were liberated 80 years ago
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