Brooklyn is looking for a buddy
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Brooklyn is 20 years old and has a mild intellectual disability. He would like to play games with a buddy on the weekend, go to the cinema, play board games,Detailed description
Who is Brooklyn?
Brooklyn is a friendly young man of 20 years old with a mild intellectual disability. He lives in a residential group at the residential care park of 's Heeren Loo, where he receives 24-hour care. Brooklyn is friendly, open and social. He loves gaming and knows a lot about computers and game programs. He also likes watching movies and series and playing board games. He enjoys outdoor sports and also enjoys walking. In the future he would like to delve into playing a musical instrument, with a preference for drums. Brooklyn works at our Bakery and at our Copy Shop. He has a Christian faith and this is important to him and his family. He goes to his parents every other weekend. The other weekend he has a lot of free time. The communication between him and others should not become too complex, because of excessive questioning. Because of his autism he needs clarity and structure. This ensures safety and peace.
What does Brooklyn ask?
He would like a buddy who comes every other weekend or once a month. Someone who hears, sees and understands him. A volunteer who can talk to him about his interests such as games, series and films. Playing a musical instrument together would be absolutely fantastic. Taking a walk or going to the cinema; go out together. Laugh together and have a good time! His preference is for a woman, but this is just a preference. We would be happy to tell you more about him. Would you like to come and meet us?
We offer you
- A nice volunteer place
- An end-of-year gift
- Insured for third party liability and accidents
- Travel allowance
- Annual volunteer party as a thank you for your efforts
- Possibility of training and information meetings
- Involved contribution to clients
- Full appreciation and a priceless experience
Register via . Or contact Inge Uiterweerd for more information on 06 2512 6920.
To work with our clients, you are required to have a Certificate of Good Conduct. This is requested via 's Heeren Loo, it is completely free.