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Assistance with all kinds of ICT-related problems

Assistance with all kinds of ICT-related problems

Organisation role · Flexible hours · Starting from 1 Jun 2024
6721 RM, Bennekom, Gelderland, Netherlands
ITWebsiteData Science
Sport & recreationPeople with disabilities
3 Good health and well-being10 Reduced inequalities
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Fietsmaatjes Gelderse Vallei
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Lineke van DongenAsk Lineke a question


Assistance in solving all kinds of common ICT problems.

Detailed description

The volunteer helps to solve problems in the ICT field that occur in the organization. This can be in creating an e-mail address, assistance with the website or the Newsletter. Wordpress is used for the website and Mailchimp is the applied program for the Newsletter.

Assistance is provided on an incidental basis when problems arise.

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About Fietsmaatjes Gelderse Vallei

Our organization offers people with a (mental or physical) disability the opportunity to take a bike ride on a duo bike with a cycling buddy
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