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Volunteer Education World Pavilion

Volunteer Education World Pavilion

Organisation role · 3 hrs/Week · Starting from 1 Mar 2021
Sint Michaelstraat 6a, 5935 BL Steyl, Nederland
Art & cultureChildren & youthForeign aid and disaster relief

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Eef BongaartsAsk Eef a question
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Wereldpaviljoen Steyl
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Primary school students are introduced to the lives of children in other cultures and global citizenship.

Detailed description

In the monastery village of Steyl, the World Pavilion has been realized in the former printing works of the Mission House. This is a cultural and educational 'immersion workshop' where adults and children can immerse themselves in a different culture. There are currently an immersion workshop Nicaragua and an immersion workshop Ghana. For the educational programs of the World Pavilion we are urgently looking for enthusiastic volunteer role players! What do the educational programs generally entail? The students receive a plane ticket and passport, experience a virtual flight in a real plane, go through customs and step into another world. In Nicaragua there is a reconstructed village with a house, school, cocoa plantation, factory, bank and market. Role-players take the children along in the various activities. In Ghana there are parts of a city and village, they experience a virtual bus trip, they walk around in a Ghanaian village using VR glasses and they make music, aided by a 'music wall'. Storytellers bring the children into Ghanaian atmospheres. The students learn in an experiential, playful way about the lives of children from these countries. What do we expect from our volunteer role players? -You can empathize with a role in which you 'take' children. -You have a feeling for guiding activities and transferring information in a playful way.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Wereldpaviljoen Steyl

In the World Pavilion, cultures meet, creating more understanding and respect for each other's actions. This lays the foundation for better cooperation and communication in the neighborhood, the region, the country and the world.
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