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Volunteer Horeca Wereldpaviljoen

Volunteer Horeca Wereldpaviljoen

Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Sint Michaelstraat 6a, 5935 BL Steyl, Nederland
DutchTrusteeshipHostingSocial contactSupervising
Art & cultureChildren & youth

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Wereldpaviljoen Steyl
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La Cantina is our cozy restaurant where visitors are received upon arrival. Our volunteers sell the tickets and take care of the catering.

Detailed description

The World Pavilion is urgently looking for enthusiastic volunteers for the team 'La Cantina'. This team consists of creative and communicative volunteers.

La Cantina is our cozy restaurant where visitors are received upon arrival. They sell the tickets and tell the visitor about the possibilities. They also sell coffee / tea, soft drinks and other delicacies in La Cantina and on our terrace in good weather. Operating the cash register is part of the tasks. It's always fun in La Cantina!

The people of La Cantina can also be deployed to provide catering when groups come to visit, at any time during the week.

The World Pavilion has about 80 volunteers, and there is regular joint consultation. Every new volunteer is guided during an induction period.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Wereldpaviljoen Steyl

In the World Pavilion, cultures meet, creating more understanding and respect for each other's actions. This lays the foundation for better cooperation and communication in the neighborhood, the region, the country and the world.
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