Training 'Concerned: how do you discuss it?'

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Do you support a resident of Wageningen on a voluntary basis? Do you ever worry? Would you like to discuss this in a respectful manner?Detailed description
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You worry about the person you come home to. For example, you see a stack of unopened letters on the cupboard. “This person says she can read, but is she really? Or you see a mother giving her child chips if they want them. "Does she give that because she has trouble setting boundaries?" Or the sofa has been on crates for months and the son's shoes are completely worn out. “Is this person ashamed to go to the Food Bank?” Or you will be offered a glass of wine at 2pm. “What do I think of this? Does this person have an alcohol problem and maybe need help?”
You do not want to raise the alarm with an authority immediately, but doing nothing is not an option either. So how do you address what you're worried about? “Talk to that person”, you get the advice. But how do you do that? Want to start the conversation yourself?
Based on connecting communication, you learn to share without judgment what you see from the intention of supporting the other. You learn to coordinate together which help could help. You not only learn how you could do that, but you also get to work with your own example so that you can then put it into practice.
Trainer: Suzanne Nederlof is a trainer in connecting communication. She shares the ideas of Marshall Rosenberg with passion, enthusiasm and care.