Walk-in café Recruit (financial) resources
Workshop · 11 Mar 2024, 19:00 - 20:30
Stationsstraat 2, Wageningen, Nederland
Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesOlder peopleWellbeingRefugees & minoritiesSocial justiceSport & recreationNature & sustainabilityChildren & youthAnimal welfareArt & culture

Contact person
Astrid ZeilstraAsk Astrid a question
Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Vrijwilligers-CentrumWageningen/opportunities/Inloopcafe-Werven-financiele-middelen/73427 to join
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Vrijwilligers-CentrumWageningen/opportunities/Inloopcafe-Werven-financiele-middelen/73427 to join
Are you looking for (financial) resources for your foundation, association or initiative? And do you have a question? Ask one of the experts.Detailed description
Social organizations/initiatives need financial resources to achieve their goals. How do I get money remains an age-old question. The Volunteer Center Wageningen has regularly given workshops and courses on this subject in recent years.
However, you may still have a specific question. Then come to the walk-in café for financial resources. You can walk in and ask your question to one of the four experts. They will talk to you and think along with you.
1) Sponsorship: Marco Derksen
2) Sponsorship in kind: Desirée Kuipers
3) Fund applications: Anja Hagendoorn
4) Crowdfunding: Rutger van Weeren
Registration is allowed, but not required.
About Vrijwilligers Centrum Wageningen
Connecting volunteering in Wageningen. Providing information and advice on volunteering.