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Wanted a driver for our wheelchair bus!

Wanted a driver for our wheelchair bus!

Task · 4–8 hrs
Heemraadweg 1 1381 GV Weesp, Nederland
DrivingAssistanceAccompanyingDutchCare work
WellbeingPeople with disabilities

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Vivium zorggroep, Hogewey
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We are urgently looking for a driver for Monday and Thursday.

Detailed description

In connection with the RIVM measures as a result of the prevailing Coronavirus, regular bus rides are made to the hospital laboratory for the delivery of Corona tests.

We also drive with (negative) residents to Naarderheem for the visit to the dentist there. And we drive (negative) residents to outpatient clinics for regular visits to specialists.

The wheelchair bus has automatic drive and is equipped with a lift for residents who are not or less mobile.

We are also looking for flexibly deployable drivers for other days or parts of the day during the rest of the week.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About Vivium zorggroep, Hogewey

Nursing home Hogewey is a nationally known nursing home with a special and unique vision. It is a psychogeriatric nursing home with space for about 180 residents. Clients live in small lifestyle groups with a maximum of 7 residents. Nursing home Hogewey "belongs" to the residents themselves; Hogewey creates a safe environment in which clients have complete freedom to be who they are.
In the Oversingel care center in Weesp, there are four more homes with 28 clients who are managed by Hogewey.

Hogewey has an interesting welfare program for the residents. Moreover, activities are regularly organized and you can make use of the many facilities, such as an à la carte restaurant and arranging trips.
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