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Will you help us as a care or cooking volunteer?

Will you help us as a care or cooking volunteer?

Organisation role · 4+ hrs/Week
Rijksweg 2-4, 1412 BA Naarden, Nederland
AssistanceCooking & eatingSocial contactCare work
Older peopleWellbeingPeople with disabilities
3 Good health and well-being

Contact person

Marina Bol, Renée KoolAsk Marina a question
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C'est La Vie-Huis 't Gooi
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Indispensable volunteers take care of the guests and their loved ones in our almost home home with attention and dedication: cooking, caring, a listening ear. You too?

Detailed description

In addition to some light household tasks, volunteers are active in the:

  • Kitchen: this varies from providing (hot) meals, compiling the menu to possibly shopping. This takes so much into account the wishes of the guests.
  • Care: such as helping with general care, getting in and out of bed, helping with showering, and so on.

What do you receive as a volunteer?

For this very rewarding work, we offer basic training before you start in the house and follow-up training. The follow-up training focuses on the area of focus in which you work. There are also opportunities for training to grow personally at work. We provide good coaching and guidance. The care managers are present 5 days a week to coordinate the daily course of events and to guide the volunteers. You can share and discuss experiences with colleagues during transfers and meetings that we organize.

What do we ask of you?

That you are caring and flexible, that you can listen well and work together. That you can help at least one part of the day a week, once a month a shift on the weekend and once or twice a year on a public holiday. The role of a volunteer is voluntary but not without obligation. This means that when you register, the team and guests of C'est La Vie-Huis' t Gooi must be able to count on your presence.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About C'est La Vie-Huis 't Gooi

Our volunteers work on various tasks: supporting the nurse with care tasks, cooking, hostess, garden maintenance, discussion partner, shopping, IT expert, administrative, all kinds of household tasks. We would like to discuss with you which tasks suit you best. We now have a pleasant and committed team of 68 volunteers.

& # 61607; help with the physical care of the guests in close collaboration with the nursing staff and any loved ones
& # 61607; provide support to guests and their loved ones
& # 61607; light housework, taking care of the garden, shopping, etc.
& # 61607; provide coffee, tea and meals to our guests and their loved ones.
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