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Versa Welzijn BEL

About Versa Welzijn BEL

The mission of Versa Welfare is: supporting self-reliance and own strength, so that (groups of) people can participate in society.

Our core values are

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Versa Welfare

supports initiatives of citizens who want to do something for their neighborhood or neighbor;
encourages and supports voluntary commitment;
helps people who need support, so that they can participate in society and be independent for as long as possible;
helps young people develop their talent and avoid risks;
manages accommodations where citizens and organizations can organize activities
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Recently added opportunities

Preventive home visits for people over 80
Organisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Preventive home visits for people over 80
The visiting volunteer speaks to 80-year-olds at home once. You talk about housing and living situation and provide information and advice.Posted by Versa Welzijn BEL


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