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Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk

About Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk

Providing an environment for children where they can relax. Unconditional acceptance, creativity, humor and individual attention are central.

Every Wednesday afternoon there is a wide range of creative activities, from crafts to clay creation. In the kitchen, the little chefs are busy with one of our chefs to make delicious and healthy snacks for all children. On Friday afternoon there will be sports in the gym on the equipment and with many fun games under expert guidance.
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Recently added opportunities

Volunteer reading support and homework assistance
Organisation role · 2 hrs/Week
Volunteer reading support and homework assistance
On Friday from 3.30 pm to 5 pm in the Uitwijk we are looking for someone who would like to give 2 boys from 11 group 7 math lessons, grammar and reading comprehension.Posted by Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk
Who wants to broaden the knowledge of parents so that they can help their child(
Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Who wants to broaden the knowledge of parents so that they can help their child(
Who can help a parent to support their child in their schoolwork? At the parents' home during or after school. Would you like to help? Your help is welcome!Posted by Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk
Who wants to broaden the knowledge of parents so that they can help their child(
Project role (Temporary) · 1–2 hrs/Week
Flexible location
Who wants to broaden the knowledge of parents so that they can help their child(
Who can help a parent to support their child in their schoolwork? At the parents' home during or after school. Would you like to help? Your help is welcome!Posted by Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk
Meehelpen met de huiswerkbegeleiding voor kinderen vanaf 8 jaar op vrijdagmiddag
Organisation role · 2 hrs/Week
Meehelpen met de huiswerkbegeleiding voor kinderen vanaf 8 jaar op vrijdagmiddag
Op maandagmiddag van 15.30 tot 17.15 uur is er voor kinderen vanaf groep 5 huiswerkbegeleiding in de Uitwijk. Wij zoeken een vrijwilliger, schoolvakanties vrij.Posted by Versa Welzijn - Kinderwerk Uit-Wijk


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