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marketing and communications officer

marketing and communications officer

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Gigant Podium & Filmtheater, Nieuwstraat 377, Apeldoorn, Gelderland 7311 BR, Nederland
SupervisingYouth workSocial mediaMarketing & CommunicationsMusicDutch
Art & cultureChildren & youth

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Vereniging Apeldoornse Jeugdorkesten
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We are looking for a volunteer who, together with our youth members and other volunteers, will take care of the PR of our association and the internal and external communication.

Detailed description

Are you enthusiastic, do you like working with/for children/young people and do you have experience with setting up and maintaining social media (such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube), then you have THE opportunity here to use your talents meaningfully and with great satisfaction. There is a lot of knowledge and experience in this area among our youth members, but you can

directing and guiding. You can use all your ideas and creativity here. Almost everything can be done from home, and the amount of time is flexible.

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Vereniging Apeldoornse Jeugdorkesten

Offer young people (8 to 25 y) the opportunity to make music together
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