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PR Officer at Terre des Hommes Wageningen

PR Officer at Terre des Hommes Wageningen

Organisation role · 4 hrs/Week
Kapelstraat 15, 6701 DC Wageningen, Netherlands
RetailMarketing & CommunicationsLobbyingFundraisingDutch
Children & youthSocial justiceForeign aid and disaster relief
3 spots left.
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Terre des Hommes
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How would you increase our visibility? Become our new PR employee! You write texts and make contact with local entrepreneurs and artists

Detailed description

How would you increase our visibility? Become the new PR employee of Terre des Hommes Wageningen.

Tasks include:

  • writing texts for the newspaper about the collection and activities of Terre des Hommes Wageningen
  • build a network with local entrepreneurs and artists to encourage them to donate materials
  • organizing the presence of Terre des Hommes Wageningen at annual fairs

Does this sound like fun to you? We'd love to hear from you.

Please contact Miriam Kleyn, volunteer coordinator, at

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

3 spots left.
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About Terre des Hommes

Terre des Hommes stops child exploitation in developing countries. With projects in the field of education, health and independence, we make underprivileged children a chance again. The Terre des Hommes store in Wageningen sells good second-hand items, which are returned free of charge. The proceeds of this go to the projects.
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