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Treasurer Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn

Treasurer Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Nederland

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Stichting Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn
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Do you have a passion for people and do you want to make an impact with your financial skills? Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn is committed to people in poverty and is looking for you!

Detailed description

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

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About Stichting Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn

The Sant'Egidio Apeldoorn Foundation is committed to the vulnerable people in our society: the poor, lonely, homeless, young people and the elderly.
At the Clothing Bank we help people in financial problems find free clothing.
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