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 Supervisor of sailing/water sports holidays

Supervisor of sailing/water sports holidays

Task · 8+ hrs
Bierkade 1, 1601 KR Enkhuizen, Netherlands
AssistanceCare workSupervisingOutdoorsSportsAccompanyingDutch
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Stichting SailWise
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Become a volunteer at SailWise and go on a water sports holiday together with people with a physical or mental disability!

Detailed description

The wind in your hair, the sun on your face and the splashing water against the bow: at SailWise everyone can enjoy water sports. Unlimited! Since 1974, SailWise has been the only provider in the Netherlands of water sports holidays for people with a physical or mental disability. We do this from three locations in the Netherlands: the two-masted clipper Lutgerdina (Enkhuizen), water sports island Robinson Crusoe (Loosdrecht) and water sports center It Sailhûs, where our catamaran Beatrix is also moored (Elahuizen).


Taking on challenges, getting the best out of yourself and pushing boundaries... Sailing with SailWise is much more than just a fun time on the water. We help people with disabilities experience that they can handle much more physically and mentally than they think. At SailWise, wheelchair users can water ski, people with visual impairments can sail independently and people with multiple disabilities can steer a ship themselves. These activities contribute to the self-confidence and self-reliance of our guests. Research confirms that.

Volunteers are indispensable

The help of volunteers with our activities is indispensable! Every year, our permanent crew is assisted by almost 300 volunteers. One is a good sailor, the other has a healthcare background or wants to contribute to an inclusive society. Together with the participants, our volunteers ensure that everything runs smoothly during the water sports activities. They all contribute to an unforgettable time on the water for our guests.

Join SailWise as a volunteer!

Volunteer work is intensive, but very fun and it also gives you a lot of energy. Step out of your comfort zone, push your boundaries and experience a meaningful and fun time at SailWise! You contribute to the development of participants and you also get the opportunity to grow and enrich your CV!

We are always looking for new people.

  • Volunteers for guidance and (ADL) assistance – It Sailhûs (with the Beatrix) and the Lutgerdina
  • Volunteers with water sports experience – Robinson Crusoe
  • Volunteers with a nursing and/or caring background – all locations

What can you expect from us?

  • Free stay at our accommodations (full board)
  • Accident and third party insurance
  • Travel allowance
  • Development options: sailing training (at low cost) and mate training
  • Volunteer thank you weekend
  • Cooperate with statements for your education, employer or benefits agency
  • Lots of fun and much appreciation!

Of course there is plenty of time to chat, have fun, play games and celebrate holidays together. Ultimately, together you will ensure that everyone has a great holiday!


When are you planning your first holiday as a volunteer?

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Stichting SailWise

SailWise biedt watersportvakanties en -activiteiten voor mensen met een handicap of beperking. Als vrijwilliger van SailWise helpt je deelnemers bij hun dagelijkse verzorging en betrek je hen zoveel mogelijk bij het zeilen.
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