Nature guide on the Blue Beaver

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As a nature guide you can talk enthusiastically on board about flora and fauna and the connection between the areas with the rivers as a connecting factor.Detailed description
As a nature guide you have an affinity with flora and fauna and you can talk enthusiastically on board about the connections between the areas with the rivers as a connecting factor. During the shore excursions we mainly let our passengers experience nature and as a guide you can inform them about flora, fauna and the history of those areas.
Depending on the number of trips and your own availability, you will sail several times a month during the season from April to October.
In April and May, De Blauwe Bever mainly sails once at the weekend and then several days a week, with the exception of Mondays. In the high season (July and August) we sail almost daily.
During a training period you will be guided by expert guides and, if necessary, you will be trained as a nature guide for De Blauwe Bever. After the training period you can guide completely independently. Depending on the number of trips and your own availability, you will sail several times a month during the season from April to October.