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Employee maintenance website Image archive

Employee maintenance website Image archive

Task · 3+ hrs
Papenstraat 26, 7411 ND Deventer, Nederland

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Stichting Gilde Deventer
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Detailed description

For this we are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to expand our team. You can help us on Friday afternoon with the content adjustment of our website (smug mosquito) and provide information via Facebook. This can also be done from home, so it is not necessary to be there every Friday afternoon. The digital images are included in our database after description by third parties. The image archive Gilde Deventer is part of the Gilde Deventer Foundation. The image archive aims to preserve all available photos / images from then and now for posterity. The available images are digitized by us and are then available for all conceivable media. Examples are: lectures, presentations, internet. etc. Image archive Gilde Deventer also manages and maintains a website:

Working hours

On Friday afternoon. Can also take place in your own time.

Special Conditions

Some knowledge in maintaining and possibly developing the website.
What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Stichting Gilde Deventer
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About Stichting Gilde Deventer

The Gilde Deventer Foundation is an active, progressive volunteer organization, led by seniors. The main objective is to pass on knowledge and experience in the broadest sense of the word and to those interested in it. \n \nActivities \n \nOrganizing city walks, image presentations (virtual walks for care institutions), bicycle tours, computer courses. Student Counseling (Coach4you)
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