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Accessibility Advisor

Accessibility Advisor

Organisation role · 0–4 hrs/Week · Starting from 15 Aug 2021
Bierstraat 54, 7416 AM Deventer, Nederland
People with disabilitiesWellbeingChildren & youth
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Stichting Fooruit
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Accessibility advisor (M/F or other) in our Accessible Deventer Working Group.

Detailed description

Job description

Testing public buildings and public spaces for accessibility, accessibility and usability for people with disabilities, etc


Have insight, knowledge and/or interest in spatial planning.

(digital) Being able to read and view plans and drawings.

Being able to discuss this with professionals and colleagues.

Drinking coffee, putting things into perspective and humor is a requirement.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Stichting Fooruit

Standing up for people with a disability, as well as providing information and critically adhering to municipal policy. \ N \ nActivities \ n \ nprovisioning primary schools, organizing symposia, promoting accessibility, organizing sports activities, critically following municipal policy, et cetera.
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