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Receptionist (Nov20: until further notice you will be placed on the "waiting list)

Receptionist (Nov20: until further notice you will be placed on the "waiting list)

Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week
Maatmansweg 3, 7425 NC Deventer, Netherlands
Support workReceptionistDutchHostingAdministrationSocial contactRetail
Nature & sustainabilityAnimal welfareChildren & youth

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Stichting De Ulebelt
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Receptiemedewerker / gastvrouw/heer gezocht voor de Ulebelt op zaterdagmiddag en zondagmiddag.

Detailed description

Visitors to De Ulebelt are the first to arrive at the desk upon entering the main building. We are looking for someone who likes to talk to people and who is able to carry out minor administrative tasks. Do you have an affinity with nature and the environment and do you find it important to make people aware of how they can make their own contribution to sustainable development close to home and in their own lives? Then we would like to work with you! The activities include: being a hostess / gentleman. Speaking and referring visitors, light administrative tasks (telephone, e-mail, agenda management and answering and forwarding mail), facility rental and providing coffee and tea for employees during breaks and for guests. If these tasks appeal to you, get in touch!

November 2020: partly due to the corona measures, there are currently no places available. you can register, as soon as there are opportunities again, you will be contacted.

Working hours

1 or 2 half-days per week in the morning 8.30 am - 1 pm, noon 12.30 - 5 pm

Special Conditions

Due to the corona measures, not everything is open on the Ulebelt yet, but there is already plenty of work to be done. of course with the necessary measures. we are currently looking for people for Monday, Tuesday and Friday. morning and / or afternoon is negotiable

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

Getting there

Stichting De Ulebelt
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About Stichting De Ulebelt

De Ulebelt is a nature and environmental education center and a petting zoo. The Ulebelt brings people (children) into contact with nature and the animal world. In addition, De Ulebelt shows a nature-friendly way of living and eating. And we do many projects in the field of sustainability.
* Management petting zoo * landscaping and maintenance * waste and composting project * water project * children's playground * education * organic market * school gardens * various forms of gardens
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