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Volunteers Rottige Meente (Nijetrijne)

Volunteers Rottige Meente (Nijetrijne)

Organisation role · 6 hrs/Week
Nijetrijne, Friesland, Nederland
Animal welfareNature & sustainabilityWellbeing

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Alexander RozemaAsk Alexander a question
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Staatsbosbeheer is looking for enthusiastic volunteers for nature reserve Rottige Meente who can help on Tuesdays.

Detailed description

Volunteers Rottige Meente (Nijetrijne)

Are you a nature lover with a heart for the landscape? Do you love to work in nature and would you like to learn more about nature? Then sign up.

What are you going to do?


The volunteer group in the Rottige Meente helps to manage the area. You cut trees and shrubs so that the area remains open. But you also help with other activities.

Where is it


We are looking for volunteers for the Rottige Meente nature reserve. It is located west of Wolvega and is part of the Súdeast-Fryslân management area. The area is an old peat area in the early 19th century, though peat is extracted for peat with peat, swamp and reedbeds result. De Rottige Meente is a Natura 2000 area. This means that certain animal and plant species and their living environment are protected here in order to preserve biodiversity.

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Staatsbosbeheer


At Staatsbosbeheer, we work with society to ensure that as many people as possible can experience nature. Volunteers are indispensable in this. Thousands of people volunteer for Staatsbosbeheer. They are an important link in our contact with the visitors and residents of our areas.

Volunteers are our ambassadors in society. They tell the stories about our nature reserves to school classes, families and nature lovers; they organize and supervise activities and provide information.

Get to work
Volunteers also help in the management of the sites. They perform pruning and maintenance work and inventory and monitor populations of birds, butterflies and plants in an area. Moreover, they help us to keep our organization running in all kinds of areas. They are our hostesses and hosts in outdoor centers and perform administrative tasks in the office.

Eyes and ears
And just as important: volunteers are our eyes and ears in contact with citizens and companies. They hear what is going on and what questions and dilemmas exist among our visitors and what good ideas they have for our sites. We are proud of our volunteers and support them as much as possible to use and share their passion for nature with visitors to our sites.
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