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Zookeeper rabbits

Zookeeper rabbits

Organisation role · 0–24 hrs/Week
Steenwijkerweg 136, 8397 LH De Blesse, Nederland
ConstructionClearing litterOutdoors
Animal welfare

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Bernice en DeniseAsk Bernice a question
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St. Opvang Konijnenparadijs
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For the care of the rabbits we are looking for volunteers to clean enclosures and to provide rabbits with food. Many flexible options.

Detailed description

We are a foundation that has been taking care of rabbits since 2009 that are found, but also when people want to give up. A shelter for rabbits. We relocate the rabbits after they have been neutered and vaccinated. We have a lot of rabbits and they often need the necessary care and that does not work alone, we need each other for this. Provide the rabbits with clean enclosures, hay, water, pellets and other care. And of course some want a hug every now and then! Furthermore, we do a lot on the basis of a pleasant team, so doing things together is important to us. A well-stocked canteen and conviviality

What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

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About St. Opvang Konijnenparadijs

We are a foundation that has been taking care of rabbits since 2009 that are found, but also when people want to give up. A shelter for rabbits. We relocate the rabbits after they have been neutered and vaccinated. We have a lot of rabbits and they often need the necessary care and that does not work alone, we need each other for this. Provide the rabbits with clean enclosures, hay, water, pellets and other care. And of course some want a hug every now and then! Furthermore, we do a lot on the basis of a pleasant team, so doing things together is important to us. A well-stocked canteen and conviviality.
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