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Science Week 2025: Call for Judges

Science Week 2025: Call for Judges

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · Starting from 3 Apr
Sint Maarten
AdministrationEnglishTeachingAdvice & Mentoring
EducationChildren & youth

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St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation Ask St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation a question
Applications closing in 14 days.
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St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation
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The St Maarten Science Fair Foundation is looking for Judges to evaluate the submitted STEAM projects of the students on April 3rd, 2025.

Detailed description

Judging is a highlight for students at the Science Fair as it allows them to not only share their work but also exchange ideas with experts within their interested field and get constructive feedback on their projects.

Science Week 2025, themed "Change and Adapt with AI," will be held from March 31, 2025, to April 4, 2025, with its award ceremony on April 12, 2025.

Juding for the annual Science Fair is scheduled to take place on Thursday, April 3, 2023, from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m with a briefing at 3:30pm. A preliminary virtual session of max 45 min is scheduled in the week prior to the Fair.

To be eligible to judge, persons should have at least a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent expertise) in science, technology, environmental science, or a related discipline. 

Projects will be judged according to

  1. Research question (scientific thought)
  2. Design and Methodology (skill)
  3. Data Collection, Analysis & Interpretation (thoroughness)
  4. Presentation (clarity)
  5. Originality & Creativity.

Why Volunteer?

  • By volunteering as a judge, you contribute helping students develop their analytical skills and display their findings using the scientific method
  • Assist students with valuable experience in communicating the purpose, process, and results of their projects in a structured way
  • Contribute to building students’ communication skills they will use in their formal education and future careers
  • Provide constructive feedback, helping students improve their future projects
  • Encourage young students to pursue their interests in science

We look forward to your participation!

Getting there

Applications closing in 14 days.
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About St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation

The recently re-established St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation has as an objective to promote and stimulate interest in science and technology among the Youth in St. Maarten. Among its various initiatives, the foundation organizes science fairs. These fairs offer students the opportunity to develop their analytical skills and display their findings using the scientific method. The Science Fair is open to students between the ages of 12 to 18 who are attending a local secondary school. Schools may register their students as an individual or a team of two.

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