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Perpetual Plastics Volunteers wanted!

Perpetual Plastics Volunteers wanted!

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours
125 Union Rd, Cole Bay, Sint Maarten
TeachingAssistanceSupport workArts & craftsCreativeTrainingSocial contactAdvice & MentoringCare workDesign
Nature & sustainabilityEducationWellbeing

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EPIC Sint Maarten
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Perpetual Plastics is a plastic recycling social workspace, under the EPIC Foundation, where volunteers help with various steps along the way.

Detailed description

At Perpetual Plastics we recycle plastic types 2 & 5 with the help of persons with a distance to the traditional labour market.

There are many varying tasks involved and persons can partake in different roles. Tasks include: collecting, weighing, sorting, prepping, washing, cutting and shredding plastics. Once the plastics have been melted & moulded, other tasks include: putting items together, such as keychains, bracelets, necklaces, etc. For the packaging, we also recycle paper for our own labels, therefore there are also tasks such as: paper making, and label making. Other packaging tasks also include creating gift bags or gift sets, such as: sewing scrap cloth to make gift bags, etc.

Our current opening days & hours (volunteer days and times are flexible within these timeframes):

Tuesday & Friday 8am - 4pm

Saturday 9am - 12pm

We are looking for persons whom have a few hours every so often, preferably more regularly, to come help out! This is also open to students who need to acquire their community service hours and/or internships.

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About EPIC Sint Maarten

Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) is an independent non-profit foundation founded in 2000 with the mission of protecting the Caribbean environment through research, restoration, education and advocacy. To learn more about EPIC and its Caribbean initiatives, visit our website at or find EPIC islands on social media:

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