Rode Kruis District Gooi en Vechtstreek (B)
About Rode Kruis District Gooi en Vechtstreek (B)
Reducing the consequences of emergency situations, strengthening self-reliance and increasing respect and willingness to help is what the Dutch Red Cross (NRK) stands for. Together with more than thirty thousand volunteers, the NRK provides Emergency Aid, Event Aid and First Aid (education) in the Netherlands. The NRK also makes an active international contribution to disasters and conflicts. We do this in the form of sending specialists, goods or money.We work from seven basic principles: humanity; impartiality; neutrality; independence; voluntary; unit; generality.
We organize various activities on a local level. We offer emergency assistance, provide information and help people to save themselves and also offer all kinds of recreational activities to people with a limited social network. We also provide first aid courses and
we offer support at events in the field of First Aid.
Recently added opportunities
Organisation role · 4–8 hrs/Week