Looking for a driver once a month on Tuesday afternoon in Bennekom

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We are looking for a driver who picks up visitors at home and takes them to the Eetcafé van Ontmoeting (Broekakker in Bennekom), eats with them and takes them home again.Detailed description
Job description:
On every 4th Tuesday of the month, the Eetcafé van Ontmoeting is organized by De Ontmoeting Bennekom, Opella and Malkander. A regular group of visitors eat a simple meal together. Then we have a good conversation about various topics that give life meaning and color.
The target group of this activity is singles in Bennekom who enjoy a good conversation. Many of our guests are older and some have difficulty walking. To ensure that they can continue to come, we are looking for a driver. This driver picks up people at their homes, takes them to the Broek Akker in Bennekom and brings them home again after the evening. You are welcome to eat with us and join the conversation. From organizational considerations, this is also our preference.
If desired, you will be reimbursed for the kilometers driven.
Job requirements:
You have a driver's license and a car, preferably with a reasonably high entry level. You are reliable and punctual. You like fun and a good conversation. You are reliable, social, interested in others and a good driver.
What do you have to offer the volunteer?:
- You are entitled to travel expenses (from 5 km one way).
- You are insured.
- You will receive a present from the Opella employee during the month.
- You will receive the end-of-year gift around Christmas.
- You can follow training.
What makes the work worth it?:
Through your help and commitment you make a nice contribution to the pleasant get-together, so that everyone goes home with a satisfied feeling.
Working time:
4th Tuesday of the month from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM (the evening is from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM)