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Cooked 05/03/25

Cooked 05/03/25

Event · 5 Mar, 11:15 - 13:00
Keerkringplein 40, 3582 PM Utrecht, Nederland

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Oma's Soep - Utrecht
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An afternoon full of board games, tall tales, even more jokes and of course delicious soup!

Detailed description

What does a Cooking Day entail?

The Cooking Days are organized weekly from different locations and participation takes about 2-3 hours. We expect you at the indicated starting time at the location of the community center/day care. Upon arrival we will welcome you warmly and tell you everything about the process. Together with the elderly we make a delicious soup, play games and keep the elderly company by chatting with them. All information will follow a few days before the activity.

Why do we organize Cooking Days?

The Cooking Days of Oma's Soep are always about fun and enjoyment. The elderly at community centres/day care need the fun of our volunteers and it turns out to be a unique combination to make soup together with young and old.

Ps. Would you like to help more often, and do you like the coziness of the Cooking Days? Contact us, we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers who want to help organize more Cooking Days!

Getting there

Are you going? 2 spots left. Applications closing in 11 days.
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About Oma's Soep - Utrecht

Oma's Soep sells delicious fresh soups and meals based on grandma's authentic recipe. The proceeds are used to make lonely elderly people happy! At least 50% of the profits from Oma's Soep are donated to the Oma's Soep Foundation. The Foundation organizes weekly activities in various cities throughout the country where young and old are brought together to combat loneliness. Locally, our student boards organize weekly Cooking Days and Soup-at-home days and nationally we organize major events and PR campaigns.
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