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Speaking tube, decision maker, buddy: a mentor is it all

Speaking tube, decision maker, buddy: a mentor is it all

Organisation role · 1–2 hrs/Week
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 3, 3527 LA Utrecht, Nederland
WellbeingHealthPeople with disabilities
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being
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Mentorschap Noordwest en Midden
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Mentorship Noordwest en Midden deploys voluntary mentors for people who are not able to manage their own care and welfare.

Detailed description

Imagine that due to illness or a disability you are not able to stand up for your own healthcare interests. And you don't have a family who can help you with this. Wouldn't you also be happy with a mentor?

Ilse certainly is. She is 58 years old and has an intellectual disability. She finds it difficult to make decisions about care and welfare for herself. That is why she is very happy with her mentor Renske. As a mentor, Renske is Ilse's legal representative and confidential advisor. She visits her regularly and then they go for a walk or play a game. She also helps her to make choices in care and well-being. For example, about whether or not to vaccinate or operate. Renske also regularly talks with Ilse's caregivers. She ensures that agreements made are fulfilled. For Ilse, mentorship means maintaining one's own direction. Renske finds the mentorship an enrichment of her life.

Renske is one of the 370 voluntary mentors of the Northwest and Central Mentorship Foundation. Our Foundation offers mentorship to adults with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities, dementia or acquired brain injury. Mentorship is a legal protective measure, which is instituted by the court. Our Foundation is appointed for this by the court and as a mentor you carry out the mentorship. The Foundation trains and guides you in your role as a mentor.

What do you get as a mentor?

• challenging volunteer work with content and personal contact

• work with a large personal contribution, which you can organize flexibly

• training and guidance

• a good match with the client

• a monthly expense allowance

Are you the person who:

• has an affinity with adults with an illness or disability

• can empathize well with others

• is communicative and dares to make decisions

• has been trained at least at MBO-4 level

• is available at least 4 hours per month

Besides Ilse, there are many more people who are looking for a mentor, so become a mentor too!

Places: Breukelen, Loenen aan de Vecht, Maarssen.

Working hours, frequency and duration:

You will spend about 6 hours per month on mentorship. You determine when and at what time you visit your client in consultation with your client and the care providers.

Skills: Affinity with adults with disabilities; be communicative and able to set boundaries; dare to make decisions; have been trained at least at MBO-4 level; be available for approximately 6 hours per month

General: Challenging volunteer work with content; work with your own input, which you can organize flexibly; a good match and thorough acquaintance with the client; training and support; a monthly expense allowance

Induction method and guidance:

We make a careful match between the mentor and the client. As a mentor you will be guided and supported by us.

Training: As a starting mentor, you first receive basic training. After that, there are regular knowledge and intervision meetings.


As a mentor you receive a monthly expense allowance.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

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About Mentorschap Noordwest en Midden

Mentorschap Noordwest en Midden is een organisatie die mentorschap biedt aan mensen die (deels) wilsonbekwaam zijn en daarom een wettelijke vertegenwoordiger nodig hebben die voor hun zorgbelangen op komt.
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