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Soup at home day 10/4

Soup at home day 10/4

Event · 10 Apr, 13:00 - 16:00
Capucijnenstraat 120, 6211 RT Maastricht, Nederland
Suitable for company volunteers

Contact person

Leila ZimmermanAsk Leila a question
Are you going? Applications closing in 10 days.
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Oma's Soep - Maastricht
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During the Soup-at-home days you bring a soup and a visit to our elderly. Your smile and visit make a world of difference!

Detailed description

What does a Soup-at-home day entail?

The Soup-at-home days are organized weekly at a fixed time and participation takes about 2-3 hours. We expect you from the indicated starting time at the distribution point. Upon arrival we will welcome you warmly and tell you everything about the process. You visit the elderly at home with a fresh soup and bring them company. The elderly often invite you to drink a cup of coffee together, take a walk or do something together. All information will follow a few days before the activity.

Why do we organize Soup-at-home days?

With the Soup-at-home days we reach the elderly who need company the most. Through local GPs, physiotherapists, the supermarket around the corner and many other supporters we reach a large group of vulnerable elderly. Your smile, nice chat or short contact moment can make a world of difference for our elderly.

Ps. Are you working full-time and can't come during the day? Then you can always register and arrange a visit with the elderly person to come by, for example in the evening. The elderly are eager for a visit, so it is very valuable to help!

Getting there

Are you going? Applications closing in 10 days.
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About Oma's Soep - Maastricht

Oma's Soep sells delicious fresh soups and meals based on grandma's authentic recipe. The proceeds are used to make lonely elderly people happy! At least 50% of the profits from Oma's Soep are donated to the Oma's Soep Foundation. The Foundation organizes weekly activities in various cities throughout the country where young and old are brought together to combat loneliness. Locally, our student boards organize weekly Cooking Days and Soup-at-home days and nationally we organize major events and PR campaigns.
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