Volunteer for resident Frank
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Mooi-Leven-Huis-Bennekom/opportunities/Volunteer-for-resident-Frank/73247 to join
Enjoy a nice trip to the village on Saturday afternoon!Detailed description
Who is Frank :
Frank is 49 years old, has a mental and physical disability and lives in the Mooi Leven Huis Bennekom. Frank is a cheerful, very sociable man who is always interested in his fellow man. He likes to interact with people. Frank loves music, such as the Bee Gees, Abba, Dolly Parton and Andrea Bocelli.
What is Frank looking for : Frank is looking for a volunteer who, for example, will go to the village with him on Saturday afternoon to go shopping. To Hema, the supermarket or to a drugstore.
What does Frank offer : Frank would be very happy if someone would become his volunteer and he will show this to you with his joy!
You will be included in Frank's informal network, you will officially become a volunteer of the Mooi Leven Huis, you will be spoiled with nice gifts and you will be invited to volunteer evenings, Christmas celebrations and New Year's drinks. In addition to Frank, you also build a bond with the professionals around him.
Are you the person who also enjoys going to the village together for an afternoon to view some shops and have a chat? Send an email to redactie@mooilevenhuisbennekom.nl or call Petra de Gooijer, 06-23426426. We will then make an appointment and see if there is a click with Frank.