Volunteer administration/telephonist
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Leprazending-Nederland-Stg1/opportunities/Volunteer-administrationtelephonist/42312 to join
Who wants to help us with all kinds of administrative tasks? Talking to donors, processing changes, answering mail and email... anything is possible!Detailed description
We are looking for a volunteer telephone operator/administrative employee who wants to be a link in our mission to stop leprosy infections worldwide. Are you our new colleague?
Who are we?
Leprosy Mission is an international Christian organization that fights leprosy , with attention and love for the individual patient.
Leprosy Mission goes beyond medical care. We want to offer leprosy patients a new life, a new happiness. We do this by, for example, providing training and providing microcredits. Our aid focuses as much as possible on the needs of the individual patients.
Will you join us in taking action to restore precious lives? Thank you in advance for the hope you can bring to people with leprosy!
- handling incoming telephone traffic
- receiving visitors
- performing light administrative tasks (for example, processing changes such as address changes in our system)
We ask
- Service-oriented and customer-oriented attitude
- We can discuss which activities are suitable
We offer
- Independent work in a small, committed and positive team
- Gain experience at an organization that is committed to helping underprivileged people
- A travel or volunteer allowance is possible
Time Spent
4 - 12 hours per week, possible during school hours.
About Leprazending Nederland (Stg.)
Geen besmetting meer: Het verslaan van leprabesmetting.
Geen handicaps meer: Het voorkomen van handicaps veroorzaakt door lepra.
Geen discriminatie meer: Geen discriminatie meer van mensen met lepra.
Wij zijn hands-on en geven directe zorg. Het unieke van Leprazending zijn onze eigen ziekenhuizen, vakscholen en gemeenschapsprojecten. Daardoor heeft Leprazending veel eigen lepra-experts, die in direct contact staan met leprapatiënten. Professioneel, maar met liefde en aandacht aan de individuele patiënt. We strijden tegen lepra op een professionele manier en verliezen de individuele patiënt niet uit het oog.
Onze motivatie om leprapatiënten te helpen, vinden we in de liefde en barmhartigheid van Jezus Christus. Jezus zag om naar de meest kwetsbaren, naar zieken en melaatsen. Hij genas hen. Wij willen verdergaan in Zijn voetsporen.