Budget buddies!
Contact person
Scan me or visit www.volunteer.deedmob.com/o/Leef-Maatschappelijke-Dienstverlening2/opportunities/Budget-buddies/47768 to join
Leef is a new social services organization in the social domain. We are a service provider that tries to help people.Detailed description
Would you like to help others?
Do you have experience and knowledge of administration and finance?
Then be a budget buddy!
What does it mean:
You help people who have (impending) financial worries. We believe that if you do it together, you will get ahead. Because everyone is resilient and contributes to recovery. As a buddy you help people discover and develop their own strength, so that they discover that they can do more than they think!
Sign up or contact our contact person Thea Kok.
Do you know someone who can be an excellent budget buddy?
Then contact us. If there is interest, there will be an introductory meeting and we will see if and how a connection takes place.
Be invaluable to someone close to you!
Working hours, frequency and duration:
There are no fixed working hours and can be arranged by the volunteer.
- Can concentrate well, is structured and is able to keep an overview.
- Stands firmly in his shoes and is not easily distracted. -Is accurate.
- Has a good command of the Dutch language.
- Has affinity with the target group and problems.
- be patient.
- Has good communication skills (oral, written and digital).
- Has numerical insight.
- Can set boundaries in contact with customers and in his own work.
- Can cooperate with any other emergency services.
- Has an independent working attitude.
- Handles customer data confidentially. - Is able to teach a customer skills.
- Meetings with other buddies, with guest speakers.
- Basic training at Nibud.
- Daily contact possible with coordinator.
Induction method and guidance:
A (free) basic training 'Helping with home administration' from Nibud is part of the training. In addition, thematic meetings are held for the volunteers where they meet and discuss, share and learn various related topics under the guidance of a professional.
Yes, travel allowance. Any other costs incurred.
About Leef Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening
Leef biedt op aanvraag door het jaar heen voorlichtingen, actiedagen, workshops en informatiebijeenkomsten aan over uiteenlopende thema’s die te maken hebben met geld. Op onze website meer informatie over de mogelijkheden.
Zie je dat mensen er niet uitkomen met aanvragen voor financiële extraatjes, toeslagen of het aanvragen van een voorziening? Kom je er zelf niet uit? Neem eens contact met op ons, wij denken graag met je mee. Ons doel is altijd effectief, snel, pragmatisch en laagdrempelig inspringen op dat wat nodig is.