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URGENT: 2 drivers needed at the Food Bank

URGENT: 2 drivers needed at the Food Bank

Organisation role · 2–5 hrs/Week
Bloemstede 3, 3608 TK Maarssen, Nederland
DrivingFood banksAssistance
Poverty reductionWellbeing
1 No Poverty3 Good health and well-being

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Voedselbank Stichtse Vecht
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Helping people who live below a certain subsistence level directly, by distributing food that is made available by third parties.

Detailed description

Follow the link to the video of the Food Bank Stichtse Vecht and you will see what it means to become a driver.

Volunteering at the Food Bank Stichtse Vecht:

Everyone who works at the Food Bank does so unpaid. The drivers, as well as the board and bookkeepers are committed voluntarily. The more than 11,000 volunteers form the heart of the food banks. With their almost inexhaustible enthusiasm, they ensure that the very poorest can pick up a food package every week. You can contribute to this!

Why should you volunteer for the Food Bank?

  • Helping someone else brings appreciation and satisfaction.
  • You get to know new people and create a network.
  • It can be a stepping stone to paid work. You gain experience and get into a work rhythm.
  • You get to know your talents and learn to use them to help others.
  • Volunteering has been proven to be good for health and reduce stress.
  • The travel costs are reimbursed.
  • And, it's fun! You come together with people who also care about their environment.

We could name many more reasons, but the real motivation lies within you. You yourself know best what drives you to help others, and that is what makes you a volunteer. You choose to help put a smile on someone else's face and that's why we need you. Whether you are a student or a senior.

What can you do in this position in the municipality of Stichtse Vecht? Due to the increasing supply of food at different times of the week, the Food Bank Stichtse Vecht (Bloemstede 3 in Maarssenbroek) is looking for drivers who want to help pick up goods at various locations. The food bank has a delivery van.

The activities are:

  • Wednesday morning,
  • Thursday morning,
  • Friday morning and afternoon.

You can indicate on which day and how often you are available per month and of course holidays are taken into account.

Skills: Driving license B

General: Good working team.

Induction method and guidance:

Transport by colleague driver and steering committee member.


We only work with volunteers without expense reimbursement

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About Voedselbank Stichtse Vecht

Het direct helpen van mensen die onder een bepaald bestaansminimum leven, door voedsel uit te reiken dat door derden beschikbaar wordt gesteld.
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