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Time to drive the electric covered wagon?

Time to drive the electric covered wagon?

Organisation role · 0–4 hrs/Week
Panheelderweg 3, 6097 AH Heel, Nederland
DrivingSupport workSocial contact
People with disabilitiesWellbeing
4 spots left.
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We are looking for volunteers to drive an electric covered wagon.

Detailed description

We use this for the transport of our residents to and from activities outside their home.

Both wheelchair users and mobile residents of all target groups use the electric covered wagon. The activities consist of church attendance, various activities which are organized by our Team Leisure Time department and enjoy touring at the individual request of the resident. This can be both on your own property but also on public roads.

The covered wagon is deployed 7 days a week. Volunteers can indicate on which hours, days, evenings and weekends they want to be available and will be scheduled by a colleague volunteer. Where necessary, professional guidance will be present to support our residents. Volunteers must at least be in possession of a moped certificate, preference is given to people who are in possession of driver's license B. After taking a test drive, concluded with a good result, you can get started right away.

Are you the reliable, patient volunteer who likes to give our clients unforgettable moments by driving the electric covered wagon and making time for this? Then this vacancy is written for you.

We offer volunteer work in an open organization, where the contribution of every volunteer matters. Volunteers can really mean something for the clients, you often provide that little bit of extra attention and contribute to the quality of life.

Working as a volunteer within St. Anna is fun, gives satisfaction, you make new contacts and offers the opportunity to gain experience working with people with intellectual disabilities.

In addition to an introduction and a tour, we also apply a travel allowance, an attention arrangement and an insurance policy for volunteers.

But you will be told everything about this in the first oriented interview.

If you are interested, you are always welcome!

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

4 spots left.
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About Koraal

St. Anna offers care, guidance and support to clients with an intellectual disability. But it is our volunteers who continue to enrich their lives. As a volunteer you are invaluable and you add extra color to the care. Thanks to your dedication and commitment you can really mean something to our clients. A visit, your attention, doing something together: it contributes to the quality of life of our clients. Working as a volunteer within St. Anna is fun and gives satisfaction. You make new contacts and you can gain experience working with people with disabilities.

We are always looking for people who can do something for our clients. Our volunteers are active in the most diverse areas. From facility and technology to agricultural and green.
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