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Duo bike brigade is looking for reinforcement!

Duo bike brigade is looking for reinforcement!

Organisation role · 2–20 hrs/Week · Starting from 1 Feb 2021
Pollartstraat 6, 6041 GC Roermond, Nederland
DrivingAssistanceSupport workAccompanyingDutchTrusteeshipSocial contactCare workOutdoors
WellbeingOlder peoplePeople with disabilities

Contact person

Jacquerine CustersAsk Jacquerine a question
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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Proteion RCG & Roncalli
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Have you already seen our duo bikes? Together with a volunteer, our residents go into the neighborhood, to the terrace or just get some fresh air.

Detailed description

The RCG care center mainly houses elderly people with dementia or physical disabilities. We have the side-by-side tandem for residents who are less mobile and still like to go out. The success factor is the volunteer, as the cycling buddy of our residents. This is how we make every day special together.

Our volunteers are real social animals. People with a heart for our residents, who find it important to do something extra for others. Everyone has their own talent with which you can help others. For the duo bike brigade we are looking for fit ladies and gentlemen who like to explore the outdoors and who also know what to do with a flat tire.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.2 spots left.
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About Proteion RCG & Roncalli

RCG and Roncalli are the care centers for the residents of Roermond and surroundings. About 200 volunteers are active in our care centers to make every day special for our clients.

As a volunteer you provide a supplement to the care provided by professionals and family members. You are therefore not engaged in care, nursing or treatment.
Volunteers' activities range from guiding clients in their daily activities, taking a walk together, having a chat, viewing photos, playing a game on the iPad, running an errand together in the city, supporting during a meal or atmosphere moment, as a hostess … There is always an activity that fits well with your interests and talents. At Proteion RCG and Roncalli the volunteers are supported from the Uitpunt. For example, the Uitpunt lends out materials, organizes activities and supports the associations within RCG and Roncalli.

Your commitment as a volunteer is very important to the well-being of our clients. They enjoy your attention! And that is what makes being a volunteer so special.

So much special happens within Proteion. Ordinary, everyday things that make a world of difference to a client or colleague. Small gestures that bring a smile to the face, genuine attention and appreciation. You can call that quite special. And that every day; 24/7. We are always there when needed.
That is why our slogan is: every day simply special.

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