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Sniffing volunteer: Teaching children something by interacting with your dog

Sniffing volunteer: Teaching children something by interacting with your dog

Organisation role · 4+ hrs/Week
Flexible location
TeachingAssistanceSupport work
Animal welfareChildren & youthEducation
3 Good health and well-being

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Linda van EijkAsk Linda a question
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Koningin Sophia-Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Dieren
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Do you have a social, obedient and child-friendly dog and would you like to stand in front of the class?! Then the job may be for you.

Detailed description

Do you have a social, obedient and child-friendly dog and would you like to stand in front of the class?! Then working as a volunteer for the Sophia SnuffelCollege might be something for you! You and your dog visit the lowest groups of primary schools in your area. You teach the children how to handle dogs safely. The aim of the so-called Sophia Snuffel College is to reduce the number of biting incidents in children and to remove any fear of dogs.

The Sophia SnuffelCollege is a project of the Queen Sophia Association for the Protection of Animals.

"It is fantastic to be a sniffing volunteer! You can really teach children through the interaction with your dog. The collaboration with your own dog makes it the ideal volunteer work for me and you also contribute to our society. In short, volunteering that satisfaction gives!" – Ilya

"Even if only one child was not bitten by a dog, my years of dedication to the Sophia SnuffelCollege have already paid off." – Dorette


The Sophia SnuffelCollege consists of three lessons of 30 to 45 minutes. In the first lesson you introduce the children to a hand puppet. During the second and third lesson, your dog comes into the classroom and the theory is put into practice. How do you tell if a dog is angry or sad? When should you pet a dog and when should you leave it alone? In a playful way you explain the most important rules for dealing with dogs. In addition, let the children practice petting, brushing and giving treats. Afterwards everyone receives a SnuffelDiploma and a workbook with games and information for the parents.

What do we expect from you?

  • You are good with children and you enjoy it;
  • You have thorough knowledge of dog behavior;
  • You are available during school hours at least 9 days per year;
  • You are representative of the association and you support our goals;
  • You have your own transport to visit schools with your dog;
  • You are willing to approach schools in your area yourself.

What do we expect from your dog?

  • He/she is a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 8 years old;
  • He/she has followed a basic course at a dog school (this is not the puppy course, but the obedience training that follows);
  • He/she is covered by the owner's liability insurance (AVP);
  • He/she is stress resistant and enjoys working with children.

If you and your dog meet the expectations, we would love to see your application appear!

Sign up as a Snuffel volunteer! To guarantee the safety of the children, every Snuffel dog takes the Sophia Snuffel college Dog Behavior Test.

If you and your dog seem suitable for the project, we would like to invite you to the Sophia Snuffel College Dog Behavior Test!

Place: All places within the municipality of Stichtse Vecht.

Target group: Children

Activity: Education, Information and Advice, PR and Communication

Number of volunteers: 50

  • All working days: Morning and afternoon.

Working hours, frequency and duration:

In consultation. At least 9 half-days per year during school hours.


As a volunteer you go out alone. You will be given a contact person to whom you can ask questions. In addition, we organize a volunteer day once a year.

Induction method and guidance:

You will receive an introductory workshop where everything is explained how we work. You can also join an experienced volunteer if you wish.

Training: One-time teaching workshop and annual refresher training day.

Expense allowance: Travel allowance.

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About Koningin Sophia-Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Dieren

Mensen en dieren leven al duizenden jaren samen. Vaak omdat dieren een rol vervullen in het levensonderhoud van mensen, maar ook omdat zij gezelschap en plezier geven. Honden, katten, konijnen, cavia’s en paarden zijn voorbeelden van dieren die zo zijn aangepast aan een leven met mensen, dat zij in of rondom huis gehouden kunnen worden. Deze dieren werden in de loop van de tijd steeds afhankelijker van de mens. Een goede omgang met huisdieren lijkt vanzelfsprekend in een beschaafd land als Nederland. Maar de realiteit ziet er vaak heel anders uit. Eenzaamheid, ondermaatse huisvesting, verkeerde voeding, te weinig lichaamsbeweging of te weinig aandacht veroorzaken problemen die zich uiten in afwijkend gedrag, vroegtijdige sterfte en ziektes. Ongewenste huisdieren belanden in het asiel of op straat, waar ze ziek worden en honger lijden. Andere dieren worden slachtoffer van mishandeling, soms met de dood tot gevolg. Of ze worden enkel gebruikt voor commerciële doeleinden, waarbij onvoldoende rekening wordt gehouden met hun belangen. Met voorlichting en politieke lobby komt de Sophia-Vereeniging exclusief op voor de belangen van huisdieren. Hierin is zij in Nederland uniek. De strategie van de Sophia-Vereeniging is gericht op de aanpak van de zogenaamde Vijf O's: Onwetendheid, Onnadenkendheid, Onvermogen, Onverschilligheid en Onwil, die een verkeerde omgang met huisdieren veroorzaken.
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